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how is our anesthesia & surgery different? 

We practice state of the art anesthesia and analgesia to minimize your pet's risks and enhance recovery from surgery, using advanced monitoring equipment and supplies.

When a patient is undergoing  surgery---gas anesthetic and oxygen are supplied through a gas mixing device known as a precision vaporizer and is delivered to the patients lungs via an endotracheal tube.

  • Precise concentration  of Oxygen (O2)- the fuel of metabolism- is monitored by a pulse oximeter illustrated to the right.

  • A capnograph (EtCO2) is a device  that verifies that the endotracheal tube is open and is properly placed in the airways to inflate the lungs assuring the surgical patient is breathing efficiently.

  • Enhanced  safety using opiates such as fentanyl,  administered via continuous rate infusions (CRI)

  • Patient's temperature tends to decrease in surgery, which in turn requires less anesthetics putting the patient to sleep deeper. Your pet's temperature is maintained using a water recirculating blanket until it returns to normal.  

  • Circulation of blood depends on proper blood pressure, which anesthetics  can depress, especially in older pets who are sick. We monitor BP carefully in anesthetizing critically ill and geriatric pets.

  • IV fluids are essential  for safe surgery to maintain blood pressure.

  • We practice aggressive pain control known as pre-emptive analgesia. This means that strong pain relievers are administered before the patient ever feels pain to reduce wind-up phenomena. We find that if we wait for pain to be evident, it takes more drugs and much longer to achieve comfort, while  pain and stress inhibit healing. 




surgery suit
Spay Estimate

Maximum Safety & Comfort

Full Service Dog Spay

(dogs under a year of age 5-10lbs)***

Prevents pyometra and breast cancer

Pre-Op. Physical Examination Required!


January -March

De Sex Girls Long Beach City

Special : $50 discount 

Intravenous Catheter.....................           $60.50

Intravenous Fluids....................                 $60.50        

Anesthesia Monitoring...........................   $0

Hospitalization overnight......................... $0

Ketamine/valium injection....................... $0

Isoflurane (gas) ............................ .            $0  

Heating blanket  ............................            $0

Pulse Oximeter...........................                $0

End Tidal CO2............................                  $0

Individual absorbable sutures..................$0

Individual surgical pack ........................     $0

Surgery Suite Prep.........................              $0

Ovariohysterectomy (surgery).................. $225

IV pump .............................                            $0

Recovery.............................                             $0

Morphine Pain injection..........................     $40

Lidocaine belly block .............................        $0


Regular fee:                         $386.00 


***Older and larger dog Surcharges apply

Pre-anesthetic blood work not included in above . Labwork is highly recommended

 (but not required) for risk assessment and safety

Cat Ovariohysterectomy (Spay)

same as for dogs <10lbs

Regular fee: $360

FeLV/ FIV negative only

Pre-anesthetic blood-work not included in above.

Lab-work--highly recommended 

 (but not required) for risk assessment and safety      



Puppies start vaccines at 6 weeks of age and boosters every 3-4wks til 16 weeks of age.


DHP-Parvo.......................................................  $19.75
Corona (puppies only) ..................................  $17.60
Bordetella........................................................  $19.75
Rabies (adjuvanted 1/3yrs) .............................$17.50

DHP-Parvo 3yr boolster....................................$22.75



Kittens start vaccines at 6weeks of age and boosters every 3-4wks til 12weeks of age.


FelV..................................................................... $23.65

Rabies no adjuvants........................................$24.50






Kitty castration estimate

Surgical pack..........................................................$0  Gas anesthesia.............................. ......................$0

Castration surgery  ........................................$75.00

Morphine pain reliever. ..............................  $38.00

Cat must have had a comprehensive examination within six months of surgery

January-March Special: Discount $15



Pet must be healthy and owner must have no behavioral or medical questions. Please download , fill out and sign the questionnaire attesting to your pets' health below














pulse oximeter
vaccination vial and syringe

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- Vaccinations
- Micro-chips

- Medicine
- Surgery

- Nutritional evaluation

-Behavioral counseling

- Spay & Neuter

- X-rays, Ultrasound

-Complete Laboratory

- Emergency Care




11:00 AM - 7:00 PM

Tuesday - Saturday

Closed Sunday Monday


Long Beach Animal Emergency:  735-2500


ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center 

(888) 426-4435


2741 E. 4th Street Suite B

Long Beach, CA 90814


Phone (562)433-3400


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